Sai Dirlo In Inglese?

Esprimersi in una seconda lingua è un viaggio complesso e affascinante, e questo blog è il nostro modo per aiutarvi a fare un piccolo passo in avanti ogni giorno nella direzione di un Inglese Fluente, Pratico, Credibile e Indipendente. Pubblichiamo settimanalmente Video di Curiosità Culturali, Espressioni Idiomatiche e Modi di Dire Colloquiali, per aiutarvi a consolidare il vostro bagaglio lessicale e farvi sentire a vostro agio nell' utilizzo dell' Inglese Parlato.

Ultimi Articoli

Ha la erre moscia

He has trouble pronouncing the R sound  Definition: In colloquial terms, the Italian expression ” Ha la erre moscia” is commonly expressed as “he has trouble pronouncing the R...

Fai come ti Pare

Suit Yourself! Simple Definition: “Suit yourself!” is an informal expression used to tell someone that they are free to do what they want, especially when you don’t agree with or...

E’ più forte di me (Non riesco a farne a meno) I can’t help it! Simple Definition: The expression “can’t help doing something” means that a person is unable to stop themselves from doing a...

A Ciascuno il Suo!

To Each Their Own! Simple Definition: “To each their own” is an expression that means everyone has different tastes, preferences, or opinions, and each person is entitled to their own...

In Linea D’aria

As the Crow Flies Simple Definition: “As the crow flies” means the shortest distance between two points in a straight line, without considering any obstacles or the actual path one might...

Smezziamoci una Pizza!

Let’s Go Halfsies on a Pizza, Shall We? Simple Definition: “Going halfsies on something” means to split the cost of something equally between two people. It’s an informal way of...

Sto Finalmente Iniziando a Prenderci La Mano! I am finally getting the Hang of It Simple Definition: The expressions “getting the hang of it” or “getting the hang of something” mean to...

Ci Siamo Persi di Vista

We have Lost Touch / We have Drifted Apart “We have lost touch” Simple Definition: The expression “we have lost touch” means that two people who were once in regular contact...

Soffri il Solletico? Are you Ticklish? Simple Definition: “Being ticklish” refers to the sensitivity of a person’s skin to touch in certain areas...

Ti Stai Arrampicando sugli Specchi!

You are grasping at Straws! Simple Definition: “Grasping at straws” means making a desperate attempt to find a solution or hope, even when the chances of success are very slim or...

Ha fatto una Figuraccia!

He Made a fool of himself Simple Definition: The expression “making a fool of oneself” means to behave in a way that makes you look silly, foolish, or embarrassed in front of others...

Smettila di Cazzeggiare Stop Dicking Around Simple Definition: The expression “to dick around” is informal and somewhat vulgar. It means to waste time or engage in...

Non ho Voglia di Andare al Cinema To Feel Like Doing Something Simple Definition: The expression “to feel like doing something” means to want to do something or...

Sono Sommerso di Lavoro

I am Snowed Under Simple Definition: The expression “I am snowed under” means that you are overwhelmed with work or other tasks and have more to do than you can handle. Examples of use:...

Abbiamo bevuto qualcosa

To Have a Drink Explanation: The expression “to have a drink” means to consume a beverage, typically an alcoholic one, in a social setting. Alternative Expressions: Grab a drink: To get a...


6 Ways to Describe someone who spoils the fun: Explanation: These expressions all describe someone who dampens the mood or enjoyment of others in social situations. Killjoy: A person who spoils the...

Lottare con le Unghie e i Denti

Fight Tooth and Nail Explanation: The expression “fight tooth and nail” means to fight or try very hard to achieve something, using all one’s resources and effort. It implies a...

Bambino Viziato

Spoilt Child Simple Definition: A spoiled child, often referred to as a “spoiled brat,” is a child who has been allowed to have or do anything they want, whether appropriate or not, and as...

Figlio Unico

Only Child Simple Definition: An only child is a child who has no siblings, meaning they are the only child of their parents. Examples of use: “As an only child, she often felt lonely and wished...

Siamo Partiti Col Piede Giusto!

Starting Off on the Right / Wrong Foot Explanation: The expressions “start on the right foot” and “start on the wrong foot” refer to the beginning of an activity, relationship...


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